Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Management Skill in Garments Industry

Management Skill in Garment Industry:

Maximum employees dislike Bangladeshi management in Bangladesh's maximum garments industry and give priority to foreign management especially Sri Lankan management for the sake of story or argument, describing their gongs to each other very self-consciously. But those who dislike it also want the management to be Bangladeshi. The fact is that you don't get what you want, and you don't want what you get. Arguing about this issue leads to a lot of negativities, and most of the time everyone tries to present it their own way. And this goes on day after day, many times nepotism is seen more in the case of native management and because of this, internal politics are created in the company.

It can also be seen that improper application of KPI tools leads to the creation of personal factions and factions in a small company. Internal politics is a threat to any company. When internal politics takes place in a company instead of teamwork, the destruction of that company is inevitable. KPIs are generally used in a company to ultimately increase productivity by creating benchmarks on job performance among employees. However, I am not speaking against KPI, proper application of any tools and techniques works to improve the company.

However, domestic/foreign management shortages play a role in shaping internal politics in the company. The issues are summarized below:

Poor listening capacity: In many cases, it is seen that those in the management do not want to fully listen to the employees, because of which they cannot fully present their problems. In some cases, the management pays more attention to the words of the people it likes and avoids the words/problems of those with whom it has bad personal relations. Not visualizing the problem does not solve the problem, resulting in the deterioration of the employee's mental state, and hence the creation of psychological grouping.

Goal Setting: The goal should be smart, and a team in the company should set a specific goal and objective to run. In 1981, George T. Doran gave an excellent explanation about the goal setting of a company. He prioritized five factors for goal setting in a company. According to him, the goal of any company should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Go SMART Goal. Employee motivation depends on goal setting. At times, employees are forced to perform impossible tasks, which creates frustration and demotivation among employees.

Decision Making: I have seen some people in management who have considerable weaknesses in decision-making. The reason for this weakness is their hearing loss and weakness in understanding the problem. When one decides without adequately understanding or half-understanding a problem, the decision is likely to have considerable problems. Not taking the right decision according to the problem creates dissatisfaction among the workers and creates factions and eventually, internal politics is born. It is possible to improve teamwork among employees by implementing sound decisions.

Communication: Not everyone has communication skills and interpersonal skills at work. The management change is a normal process, but when there is a change in management in a company in Bangladesh, it is seen that the management brings in people it knows and conducts research on how to fire old employees. This causes the company to deteriorate instead of improve. When you see a new management saying there is enough wrong in the work, the system needs to be changed, he does not have the skills, etc., you will understand that politics has started. However, there are variations, in many cases, the old employees do not easily accept the new management, which also creates internal politics. However, effective communication can easily eliminate these issues and establish a healthy environment in the company. But in most cases, it is not.

Time Management. Time management is an important topic, it is natural that employees will feel frustrated in their work if the manager has no idea about time management. In some companies, managers spend more time behind the scenes than at work, keeping employees busy. At the end of the day, he blamed the workers for the failure of the work. This creates dissatisfaction among the employees and spoils the work environment. Teamwork is destroyed due to mental pressure among the employees and group politics is born in the company.

Problem Solving. When appointing a responsible manager in a company, it is necessary to know his depth of knowledge. Special problem-solving skills are essential, many times when employees present a problem to the management, some managers blame the employee for his inefficiency and dismiss him, which is not appropriate at all.


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